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Little Big Planet 2 Reviews
Customer Reviews
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39 of 43 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Game of the YEAR(S)!, January 20, 2011
Joseph Cataudella (New York, NY United States) - See all my reviews
= Fun:5.0 out of 5 stars 
This review is from: Little Big Planet 2 (Video Game)
I'm an adult..lets just say..well over 40, and I've seen and experienced just about everything in the computer and video game world. Of all my years of electronic playing, only two games kept my attention for years (no not days, months..years!): The RollerCoaster Tycoon series on the PC and Little Big Planet on PS3. Perhaps because I love anything which lets you use your creative skills and doesn't end via three day completion or quarter of the way boredom.

Little Big Planet 2 goes so way beyond the original to the point that, I don't think I ever want to play anything else - ever (well at least until part 3 is released lol). There is so much to do that you get your money's worth in a way that no other game can provide. It's a bit overwhelming at first: Do I play the brilliant Tutorials and collect all the goods? Should I explore the millions of Community Levels, or do I begin playing the epic story devised by Media Molecule. Perhaps I should design my moon, or earth, or... Read more
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64 of 77 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars More LBP, January 18, 2011
= Fun:5.0 out of 5 stars 
This review is from: Little Big Planet 2 (Video Game)
LittleBigPlanet 2 is a continuation of the first LittleBigPlanet, in the sense that the fun still never stops. With many new features this game easily packs a punch twice as hard as the first one though. new features include cut scene creator , sound creator, you can create (with some imagination) many different variations of mini-games within your created level (for me I made a paintinator shooter to play with my roommate). What's my favorite feature? Probably that it's compatible with the Move, although to be truthful I haven't used the Move with it yet (it just sounds like a fun idea that they had).

The levels in LBP 2 are even more creative than the first one (if that's even possible), the graphics are more polished (if it matters), and load screens don't seem to take as long. The create mode is a thousand times easy than the first time (very user-friendly). Create mode is easier in the sense that all of the tutorials are right in front of you and you don't have to try... Read more
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36 of 43 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Little Big Planet is back and better than ever, January 18, 2011
= Fun:5.0 out of 5 stars 
Amazon Verified Purchase( What's this?)
This review is from: Little Big Planet 2 (Video Game)
If you ever played Little Big Planet, you probably fell in love with sackboy and enjoyed adventuring with him. The sequel of Little Big Plant is now here and it is packed with a huge amount of new tools and features! This game exceeded my expectations and improves greatly on the previous.
LBP2 (Little Big Planet 2) has many more features than its previous and the levels are just great. If you never played the first game, in the game you play through levels and try to reach the end through many different challenges such as enemies, enviroments, etc... In LBP2 there are amazing tools that are found in these levels. Such as:
Grappling Hook: Allows you to grapple to walls and pull yourself up. (Very fun acrobatic tool!)
Power Gloves: Now you can pick up enemies, or any object and hurl it across the level.
Creatinator: Fires a preset item such as frosting and lets you fight enemies... Read more
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Little Big Planet 2

Product Description

Join Sackboy in a completely new adventure - filled with new abilities, new game play rules, innovative tools and a smarter LBP Network, evolving the Play, Create, Share experience. Product Description

LittleBigPlanet 2 (LBP2) is a puzzle-platforming game for PlayStation 3 with new built-in functionality allowing players to create advanced content, including full-fledged games of all sorts, which can be shared with others within the LittleBigPlanet online network. The third game in the LittleBigPlanet franchise, the toolset within LittleBigPlanet 2 provides players with the ability to easily change the mapping of objects in-game, add abilities and non-player AI characters, create cutscenes, link levels and more. Additional features include backwards compatibility with content created with the original LittleBigPlanet game, a 50 level deep Story Mode and all new platforming gadgets.

LittleBigPlanet 2 game logo

A Whole New LittleBigPlanet Adventure

Join Sackboy in a completely new platforming adventure, spread across 50 levels.

Some time has passed since the events of the original game and its PSP sequel and Craftworld is in trouble. An evil device, force, thingy known as "The Negativitron" is threatening to suck up everyone and everything, including Sackboy, into the void. Only an intervention by a rebel organization known as "The Alliance" saves our hero. And with that Sackboy decides to lend his creative platforming powers to the cause. Along the way he'll discover new abilities, gadgets, gameplay rules and innovative tools to get the job done.

Creating a custom SackBot in LittleBigPlanet 2
Play, Create and Share in LittleBigPlanet 2.
View larger.

A Platform for Games

LittleBigPlanet 2 is about more than a game storyline. It is about player creativity. Loaded with a powerful new set of tools that vastly widen the scope of possibilities in-game, LittleBigPlanet 2 moves far beyond familiar level editing and delivers the power to literally create whole games. It is in fact, a platform for games. Whether you are talking racing games, mini-games, action/adventure games and even multiplayer shooters, using the Direct Control feature you can create/recreate a mapping for objects and abilities from the Sixaxis controller for use directly in gameplay. You can also link levels to extend the fun and/or create a new gameplay experience. Bring your characters to life, compose your own music, direct cinematic masterpieces, wire controllers directly in to your contraptions, connect easy to use switches, microchips and circuit boards to build epic bosses, vehicles, machines, and puzzles. All the tools are at your fingertips. And with custom heads-up displays (HUDs) for scoring and game data exported to a game ending grid, allowing winners in created multiplayer games to celebrate while opponents look on in shame, the sky is truly the limit.

Play, Create and Discover

LittleBigPlanet 2 is fully backwards compatible to the original game. With millions of creations existing in the LittleBigPlanet universe and millions more to come, finding the experience you're looking for is important. With that in mind the developers of LittleBigPlanet 2 have expanded Share functionality to enhance the player's ability to discover exactly what you want to find. In addition, the searching system has been given a total overhaul, and Activity Stream functionality has been added so you can follow your friends and hearted creators, helping you discover the top notch playable bits that they have brought to life. In addition, a new web portal gives every single LBP creation its own home on the web, with a page for every creator and every level. Browse creations online to find fab levels, add them to your queue to play later on, check photos, comments, leaderboards, create and share playlists, and easily promote your levels and games wherever you might hang out online.

Key Game Features

  • Story Mode - Explore more than 50 pre-prepared game levels holding an all-new storyline
  • Create Full Games - Take advantage of a wealth of editing tools to create full scale games
  • Gadgets Galore - New gadgets available within LBP 2 include: a grappling hook for platforming, the Creatinator which allows for items to help you platform, and Power Gloves with which you can toss and move large objects in-game
  • 4-player multiplayer - Enjoy 4-player support online and offiline in created games using new features and abilities
  • AI Sackbots - Program and manipulate these non-player characters to do your will in-game
  • Cinematic Cut-Scene Maker - Create custom cutscenes for use in-game, or just as a means of sharing with friends
  • Improved Share Functionality - Improved search and share functionality and features allow players to more quickly peruse the millions of LBP pieces of content available online
  • Backwards Compatible to Original Game - LBP 2 is compatible with all content created with the original game

Additional Screenshots

Sackboy using the grappling hook in LittleBigPlanet 2
All-new platforming gadgets.
View larger.
Sackboy version of an arcade game from LittleBigPlanet 2
Full game creation.
View larger.
Cut-scene Maker screen utilizing Sackbots in LittleBigPlanet 2
50+ level story mode.
View larger.
Circuit boards for custom bosses in LittleBigPlanet 2
Custom made game elements.
View larger.

  • Sackboy is at it again! Join Sackboy in a completely new Play, Create, Share adventure.
  • Whether it's the 50 plus levels in the whimsical storyline, or the endless multiplayer fun
  • From your Sackboy's appearance to creating any game you want - racing games, mini-games, action/adventure games, and even multiplayer shooters.
  • Games to Share! Go online and discover new games that other players have created. With over 2MM levels already there, your gaming options are endless.
  • Enjoy 4-player support online and offline in created games using new features and abilities

Little Big Planet 2 Customer Rating : Little Big Planet 2

List Price : $39.99

Price : $23.97

Little Big Planet 2

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